RT @META_NFT_KOREA: 7월27일 코스프레 행사 There will be a cosplay event at META-NFT on July 27. Please pay a lot of attention #meta #nf…

RT @META_NFT_KOREA: 7월27일 코스프레 행사 There will be a cosplay event at META-NFT on July 27. Please pay a lot of attention #meta #nft #event #cosplay #korea #seoul #메타 #코스프레이 #코스튬 #costume #상금

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Source RT @META_NFT_KOREA: 7월27일 코스프레 행사 There will be a cosplay event at META-NFT on July 27. Please pay a lot of attention #meta #nf… https://twitter.com/sshoda_cos/status/1539198992403136512