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Source 【パズドラ】「スーパーノエルドラゴン」楽して短時間で大量に稼ぐ方法キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ッ!! http://pazdra2ch.blog.jp/archives/56370564.html
eスポーツチーム「SCARZ」主催の「SCARZ CUP Apex Legends vol.4 Powered by Amazon」が開催決定! アイ・オー・データ機器が「東京ゲームショウ2024」に出展!ゲーミングモニターブランド「GigaCrysta」10周年記念モデル登場 Brave groupが約1万件の個人情報漏洩、「ぶいすぽっ!」などVTuber応募情報が外部から閲覧可能な状態に ROGデザインでファッショナブルな「ROG SLASH」および「ROG Ranger」シリーズ5製品が登場! 「原神」Ver.4.6「双界に至る炎、熄えゆく赤夜」が4月24日にリリース!新キャラクター「アルレッキーノ」や新エリア開放! eBay表彰式後に行われたアフターパーティーに潜入!越境ECの裏には真贋保証サービスやスピードパックなど手厚いサポート 終末サバイバルRPG「Undawn(アンドーン)」が正式リリース!豪華報酬が貰えるスペシャルイベント開催! 次世代Virtual eSportsプロジェクト「ぶいすぽっ!」と「SAISON CARD Digital」 第2弾コラボを開始!オリジナルカードホルダーの特典やグッズの販売が決定! 名作パズルシリーズ最新作「Magical Drop VI」のPC・Nintendo Switchでの発売日が4月25日に決定! ONE PIECE ODYSSEYのグッズが貰える!思い出を巡るフォトラリーイベントが開催! MUS1CA", which is active as a VSinger, newly joined "RIONECTION", a comprehensive VTuber support project!Men's VTuber Project "YUMENOS" Original Manga Serialization Begins on Official X! Teaser video with the members' voices is released!Applications for "STUDIO MEMBERS", a project to support feature-length animation production, will be accepted from 6:00 p.m. on December 1 (Sun.)! Buisseppo! Members will receive all 12 episodes of animations voiced by our members!AMICIS, a brand that creates new value through co-creation with IP, creators, and activists, is launched. Creating products from scratch by involving factories and manufacturers.Blitz Wing artist "Kyoko Asakura" celebrates the 2nd anniversary of her debut with the event "Kyoko's Kawaii Junction! -Business Trip Edition-" will be held! Tickets and goods go on sale today, November 22 at 9:00 p.m.The Otherworldly VTuber Project "Yuni Reido! Six new members of the new guild "ZWEI" debuted from "Yuni Reido! Debut fully animated PV released!CR Fortnite CAMP", a camp for elementary, junior high, and high school students to experience esports pro-gaming with CrazyRaccoon members, is now accepting applications for the 4th session, limited to the first 16 students.Blitz Wing artist "Miona the Emperor" held her 3rd Anniversary Live "Hero"! Nanashiinku "Ichika Soya" and Lir.E "Else" make guest appearances!