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Source 【パズドラ】「ロキ降臨」全階層ずらし・全部位破壊編成キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━ッ!!【ネロミェール】 https://pazdra2ch.blog.jp/archives/58815271.html
遂にカプエス2が!SNKとCAPCOMのクロスオーバー作品を含む全8タイトルを収録した「カプコン ファイティング コレクション2」2025年発売決定! 8月6日より「Fall Guys」が「Fortnite」のエコシステムへ追加!バトルロイヤルのほかクリエイターもフォートナイトにてFall Guysの島の公開を楽しめる! 「SMC組ボイスドラマ -Great Dream Presentation-」が8月14日(水)17時から販売決定! アニメや漫画、ゲームなどのアート作品を販売するオンデマンドEC「RED° ART COLLECTION」β版をリリース!今なら全商品が20%オフ! 近未来SFメカアクションシューティング「Mecha BREAK」の限定先行βテストが7月25日(木)より募集開始! 「DONUTS VARREL」と株式会社ソフタスがスポンサー契約を締結、eスポーツ同好会の活動を支援 デザインが良すぎるROCCATのゲーミングキーボード「Vulcan II」が8月18日に発売、TITAN IIメカニカルスイッチ搭載でなめらかなタッチ感 「原神」イベント祈願が開催!限定★5の「珊瑚宮心海」や「放浪者」などが復刻登場! 濃厚で甘酸っぱい!「大人のいちごミルク」を飲んでみた! 濃厚!「究極のカシスオレンジ」を飲んでみた! MUS1CA", which is active as a VSinger, newly joined "RIONECTION", a comprehensive VTuber support project! Men's VTuber Project "YUMENOS" Original Manga Serialization Begins on Official X! Teaser video with the members' voices is released! Applications for "STUDIO MEMBERS", a project to support feature-length animation production, will be accepted from 6:00 p.m. on December 1 (Sun.)! Buisseppo! Members will receive all 12 episodes of animations voiced by our members! AMICIS, a brand that creates new value through co-creation with IP, creators, and activists, is launched. Creating products from scratch by involving factories and manufacturers. Blitz Wing artist "Kyoko Asakura" celebrates the 2nd anniversary of her debut with the event "Kyoko's Kawaii Junction! -Business Trip Edition-" will be held! Tickets and goods go on sale today, November 22 at 9:00 p.m. The Otherworldly VTuber Project "Yuni Reido! Six new members of the new guild "ZWEI" debuted from "Yuni Reido! Debut fully animated PV released! CR Fortnite CAMP", a camp for elementary, junior high, and high school students to experience esports pro-gaming with CrazyRaccoon members, is now accepting applications for the 4th session, limited to the first 16 students. Blitz Wing artist "Miona the Emperor" held her 3rd Anniversary Live "Hero"! Nanashiinku "Ichika Soya" and Lir.E "Else" make guest appearances! HIMEHINA releases music video for new single "LADY CRAZY" today, November 15 (Fri.) at 21:00. Sound distribution will start at the same time! Get the strongest AIM! CR Gaming School" Free Coaching Trial Session held in Shibuya, with a choice of two titles, VALORANT and Apex Legends.