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Source フロムゲーマーがモンハンやった結果wwww http://dark-soku.blog.jp/archives/92662617.html
音声収録のために山梨の2000坪を購入!?「CEDEC+KYUSHU 2024」にて「AZSTOKE」の講義を受けてみた! TEQWING e-Sportsと富山中央食品株式会社がスポンサー契約、バランス栄養食「PFC Standard」で選手の健康をサポート GiGOのたい焼きにて「ペルソナ3 リロード焼き」登場!オリジナルコースター貰える! GRAPHT×カプコンのコラボアイテムが9月21日に登場、TGS2023で先行販売も Riot Forge新作ADV「ヌヌの唄:リーグ・オブ・レジェンド ストーリー」のプレビュー映像が公開、ブラウムも登場 にじさんじユニット「Nornis」1周年!6月26日(月)より記念グッズ販売決定 ゲームの休憩時間にいかが?お酒入りのパフェ「ほろ酔いパフェボックス ティラミス&キャラメルりんご」が販売開始! 「Apex Legends」の世界初となるコラボカフェ「Apex Legends -Nessie cafe-」が東京・大阪で開催! 入手困難となっていた「ファイナルファンタジー35周年 UT」の追加生産が決定! 飛び級大学院生で凄腕エンジニア!?DOAXVVに新女神「エイミー」(CV:鈴代紗弓)追加! MUS1CA", which is active as a VSinger, newly joined "RIONECTION", a comprehensive VTuber support project!Men's VTuber Project "YUMENOS" Original Manga Serialization Begins on Official X! Teaser video with the members' voices is released!Applications for "STUDIO MEMBERS", a project to support feature-length animation production, will be accepted from 6:00 p.m. on December 1 (Sun.)! Buisseppo! Members will receive all 12 episodes of animations voiced by our members!AMICIS, a brand that creates new value through co-creation with IP, creators, and activists, is launched. Creating products from scratch by involving factories and manufacturers.Blitz Wing artist "Kyoko Asakura" celebrates the 2nd anniversary of her debut with the event "Kyoko's Kawaii Junction! -Business Trip Edition-" will be held! Tickets and goods go on sale today, November 22 at 9:00 p.m.The Otherworldly VTuber Project "Yuni Reido! Six new members of the new guild "ZWEI" debuted from "Yuni Reido! Debut fully animated PV released!CR Fortnite CAMP", a camp for elementary, junior high, and high school students to experience esports pro-gaming with CrazyRaccoon members, is now accepting applications for the 4th session, limited to the first 16 students.Blitz Wing artist "Miona the Emperor" held her 3rd Anniversary Live "Hero"! Nanashiinku "Ichika Soya" and Lir.E "Else" make guest appearances! Tonkatsu DJ Agetaro, Keseimbangan Osiris, Dunia Hantu Tak Berwarna, Komori-san Tidak Bisa Menolak! dan informasi anime terbaru lainnya!Anime musim gugur 'Shinkage! Kyojin Junior High School', lagu tema OP dibawakan oleh Linked Horizon! Lagu pemandu sorak remaja spin-off dari OP asli 'Kouren no Yumiya'.Visual utama untuk Tamayura 'Foto Kelulusan' dan 'Bagian 3: Kerinduan - Cita-cita' yang lengkap telah dirilis! 'Jalan Menuju Cita-cita' dan 'Lentera Bambu'.Animasi TV 'Rage of Bahamut: Manaria Friends' akan mulai tayang pada tahun 2016! Adaptasi anime dari event dalam game 'Manaria Magic Academy'.'Super Dimension Fortress Macross', jaket N-3B dengan spesifikasi Roy Fokker dari Cospa! Edisi terbatas sebanyak 100 buah.Gamba versi film 3DCG, Hiroki Kaji dan Sayaka Kanda menyemprotkan meriam air! Laporan salam tahap penyelesaian.Izakaya baru di lantai 8 Yodobashi Akiba! HIMONO DINING - Echigoya - Heiji, dibuka pada akhir September.Roast Beef Ohno, semangkuk daging sapi panggang, dibuka di Akihabara pada tanggal 15 Oktober! Standing Yakiniku 'Jiromaru Akihabara', B1F.